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Day 13 - Samuel's Oil

The Lord be with you.

And also with you.

Today’s symbol is Samuel’s oil. Samuel poured oil on David’s head to show that he was set apart to be the king of God’s people.

Thanks be to God!

Scripture reading : 1 Samuel 3:1-10

Samuel was a very special boy. His mother, Hannah, had waited and prayed for his birth, and when he was born she promised to give him
to God. When he was three years old, he went to live with Eli the priest, to serve God by helping keep the temple. And even though he lived in a time when the people didn’t often hear from God, God spoke to Samuel.

When God spoke, Samuel listened. He paid attention to God’s words, and he grew up to be a priest, a judge, and a prophet in Israel. Because Samuel listened carefully and faithfully to God’s voice, he could share God’s wisdom and direction with the people. He helped Israel walk more closely with God. And a lifetime of listening to God prepared Samuel when the time came to choose a new king for Israel. Samuel watched Jesse’s oldest, strongest, and most handsome sons pass by, but he heard God’s quiet words: “Do not look at his handsome face or his strength: God does not look at people’s appearances, but at their hearts.” And when David came before him, because Samuel knew how to listen, he heard the command: “This is the one I have chosen; anoint him.”

Patient God, we want to hear your words. We want to know you better. Help us learn to listen for you quietly, and to follow you when you speak. Amen.

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