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Day 16 - Fire

The Lord be with you.

And also with you.

Today’s symbol is fire. When Israel turned away from God and worshipped other gods, Elijah the prophet called them back. God sent fire down on Elijah’s sacrifce, to show Israel that he heard Elijah’s prayers and wanted to hear their prayers too.

Thanks be to God!

Scripture reading : 1 Kings 18:36-39 (or 1 Kings 18:17-39*)

Many years, after King David had died, new kings came to power in Israel. Some of these kings stopped worshiping God, and turned to other gods: gods with names like Baal and Asherah. Israel was supposed to show all the world how to love and trust in their faithful God, but they had stopped.

So God sent prophets to his people. One of these prophets was a man named Elijah. Elijah spoke up so often and so loudly, telling the people to turn back to God, that King Ahab gave him a nickname: “Troubler of Israel.” But Elijah didn’t stop. Instead, he challenged the king and all the priests who served the other gods to a contest. They would both offer a sacri ce: the priests would offer one to their god, Baal, and Elijah would offer one to God. Whoever sent re down from heaven onto the sacri ce was the true God.

The priests of Baal prayed and called on their god for hours, but no one answered. Then Elijah stood up and prayed aloud—and God answered. All of the people in Israel could see that their God was listening and waiting for their prayers.

God, you listen for the prayers of your people. You want us to call on your name, and you hear us when we cry out. Hear us now, O Lord, and come quickly to save us. Amen.

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