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Membership & Belonging

Every few months, we are happy to offer a short seminar for people who are looking into becoming members of City Church. You may have already decided to become a member, or you may just be looking to start exploring and learning more about the church and what membership means--there is no entrance requirement for the course. Anyone who expresses interest is welcome to come, learn, and ask questions.

Throughout the Bible, we read about people committing to the communities around them. The New Testament is full of stories of people living in their local church--what, today, we call membership. To be a member of a church is to make a public affirmation of Christian faith and pledge to support the work of the congregation. The church body also promises to support and care for members as a unified local worshipping community. In the Bible this is called a covenant; an agreement in which both parties make commitments to one another. A public promise, or covenant, is the basis for all society, according to the Bible: marriage, employment, citizenship, and church membership are all relationships of accountability.

The membership relationship between a person and a church is very much a two-way street. You open yourself up to letting church members and leaders speak into your life and, in turn, you agree to speak into theirs. You receive the care and support of the body as you seek to live out a life of faithfulness and return that care and support. with a community that is mutually committed to each other's spiritual vitality.

When we pray every week that God's "will be done, on earth as in heaven," we are actually praying a prayer that we must participate in. There is no back-up plan for making that happen other than us, the church, working with the movement of the Holy Spirit in our world. To become a member of a church is to commit to using your gifts in service of God's will where you are in community with others. It is to place a stake in your little corner of the earth and to work together to bring heaven to it. We hope you’ll join us.

Join us This Saturday, April 16. For more information or to RSVP, click here >



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